Original Title book safes

One-of-a-kind reclaimed books

Proposal Book Safes

A special place for your ring
Vintage hollow book safe with key inside

Original Title book safes

One-of-a-kind reclaimed books

Proposal Book Safes

A special place for your ring

World's largest selection of book safes

shop our collections
Familiar Quotations - John Bartlett - Secret Storage Books
Vintage Book Safes
Your collection's name
Harry Potter Proposal Ring Book Safe - Ready to Ship - Secret Storage Books
Weddings - Proposal Book Safes ♥
Simple Abundance - Hollow Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
Gifts for Her
Life of Greece, The - Will Durant - Secret Storage Books

20 years & 100,000 books

We've been at it for 20 years and that's over 100,000 books saved from the landfill!

We're all about the 3 r's


The Reckoning by John Grisham - Popular Fiction Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
The Reckoning by John Grisham - Popular Fiction Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
Reckoning, The - John Grisham
The Bear and the Dragon by Tom Clancy - XL Secret Safe Book - Secret Storage Books
The Bear and the Dragon by Tom Clancy - XL Secret Safe Book - Secret Storage Books
Bear and the Dragon, The - Tom Clancy
Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy
Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy - XL Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy
Da Vinci Code - Medium Stash Book - Secret Storage Books
Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown - Secret Storage Books
Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemmingway - Medium Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemmingway - Medium Book Safe - Secret Storage Books
Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
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There's a better way to stash your stuff and you've landed at the right place!

World's largest selection of book safes made from REAL BOOKS.